Tuesday 13 December 2022

How to Scuba Diving Safely


There are four pieces of scuba diving gear that I believe are essential for your scuba diving safety. I try having them with me on each and every Bali diving trip and liveaboard dive experience that I do. My experience with the water has shown me the significance of these potential life-saving diver tools, for yourself and your dive mates.

Security sausage, this surface marker is the cheapest piece of dive equipment you can purchase other than a whistle, which is likewise something to be thankful for to have, yet today they are quite often standard equipment on a large number "BCD'S". The security sausage should be visible even in choppy oceans from a long way off with the independent eye. Today there are brands that also include a segment of night reflectors that will light up very brightly when it is hit with any kind of light.

A dive light, ideally a Drove light as the consumption times are so lengthy. Around evening time assuming that you are floating, you can grab the eye of passing boats, helicopters, or planes. Positively in the event that a hunt is being made for you around evening time, you truly increment the chances of being seen. I keep one in my pocket constantly as I like to search in openings for little critters on jumps, so I get a great deal of purpose out of my pocket light, continuously knowing in my sub-conscience that I have it would it be advisable for me I float off and disappear into the evening.

The knife I can recall one time in Bali I was plunging with a gathering, and I was taking a gander at something and got isolated, as I was making a beeline for the get spot, I practically swam into a large, almost undetectable, phantom net! It would be extremely simple to have gotten entangled and without a knife, I would have had an exceptionally difficult chance to receive in return.

I have a friend that works with nets fishing Hawaii coastlines, and when he does this around evening time, he swims bare to diminish the possibility of having anything hang up on the net and drowning him, which happens to this kind of fisherman.

Dive PC, today are very inexpensive and they keep going for a really long time. Why depend on the old simple checks with tables and outlines, when you can have this exceptionally fundamental piece of jump gear for, generally determined for generally jumpers, under a dollar a dive? The curves are something that you would rather not wreck around with, having a jump PC tells you not too far off on your wrist or plunge console, precisely where you are at to the extent that you nitrogen loading and jump time, which will also let you know the amount of a decompression stop you ought to make if you incidentally surpass as far as possible on your arranged plunge profile.

Let's review

Dive with a security sausage, cheap and extremely simple to see on the open sea, if you can get it with a light reflector, even better.

Plunge light to use as a sign around evening time to stand out from boats, helicopters, and search planes.

A dive Knife is used to cut fishing lines and fishing nets that you could unintentionally run into.

A Dive PC keeps you from incidentally getting decompression illness (DCI)

Remember to plan your dive, and dive your plan, and be prepared with the right dive equipment.

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