Monday 24 April 2023

Essential Information About Tulamben Dive Sites

Tulamben Dive Resort was founded in 2016 and has become well-known for its unmatched dedication to client satisfaction. This high standard of quality has given us the drive to develop into the company we are today.

Tulamben Dive

In the far-flung fishing community of Amed (northeast Bali), you may find Ecodive Bali. Because of the region's rich marine diversity, encounters with manta rays and enormous, spectacular ocean sunfish (Mola-Mola) are not uncommon.

A PADI Master Instructor/SSI Instructor Trainer with over 35 years of experience owns Ecodive. A fantastic group of regional divemasters assists him. While still protecting the region's natural beauty, the team must show visitors the beauty of the undersea world.

The most well-liked diving location in Bali is Tulamben! It is the location of the U.S.A.T. Liberty, a cargo ship from World War II that was thrown- into the water after being torpedoed by Mt. Agung's eruption.

There are hundreds of different types of reef fish, soft and hard corals, nudibranchs, pygmy seahorses, and other marine life in this location.

There must be at least Open Water Diver Certification.

As part of this adventure:

  • Professional dive instructors.

  • If required, transportation from the dive shop to the dive location.

  • Entry fees to the park, if necessary.

  • Two dives in a single day.

  • For 24.50€, a second dive can be placed.

  • You can add a night dive for 48.50 euros.

  • For 48.50€, you may also reserve a dive for only one night.

  • For 14.50 euros, non-divers can join the tour. It includes an entire; set of snorkeling equipment and transportation to the dive location, if necessary.

What to carry - towel, swimming gear, and sunscreen.


Age Required -  Minimum 10

Dive Sites in Tulamben

  • Liberty Wreck USAT

This dive begins at the coast and travels 40 meters to the well-known USAT Liberty wreck. The 120-meter-long wreck is between five and thirty meters deep. It is by far Bali's most visited location and is appropriate for visitors of all skill levels. It is also fantastic for night diving! 

  • A Wall

You will begin immediately from the shore and experience a breathtaking drop-off that can reach a depth of 60 meters! With this dive, there's a good chance that you'll see passing pelagics such as sharks, tuna, manta rays, mola molas, and occasionally whale sharks.

  • Kubu

It is a dive on black sand at the beach. You will find a wreck that is 40 meters long and 20 to 40 meters deep. You can explore all three of its decks! It provides fantastic chances for pictures.

  • Seraya

With its natural and artificial reef, this beach dive on a sloping beach will astound you. A macro-paradise, indeed! Your best chance to observe creatures like nudibranchs, pygmies, harlequin shrimp, and more in Bali is at this location.

  • The Batu Kelebit

Excellent visibility and a fair probability of spotting pelagics are both features of this boat dive. It will lead you to a pinnacle that is 40 meters deep, then to a coral reef that slopes gently. The drift is mild.

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