Sunday 28 January 2024

Perfect Time To Dive In Bali According To The Seasonal Changes

Due to its beautiful beaches, rich culture, and enchanting waters, Bali has earned a reputation as one of the most desirable travel destinations. The island is home to many world-class diving locations and a wide variety of marine life.

Because it is situated- on the equator, the weather is tropical all year, with highs of 30 to 32 degrees Celsius and lows of 24 to 26 degrees Celsius. Bali has two distinct seasons: the dry season (May to September), which brings dry southeast winds from the neighboring Australian continent, and the wet season (November to March), which brings moist air. It has Fun Dives, Day Trips, Diving Courses, Dive Safaris, and More at Bali Diving.

In this blog, we'll discuss the best times to visit Bali, also our recommendations.


As previously stated, Bali has two distinct seasons, one of which is the wet season and the other is the dry season. Overall the best time to dive is during the transition months between seasons. It would be in April or October when the seas are calm also the winds are light. Furthermore, the Saka lunar calendar is adhered to by the local Balinese. The ideal time to go underwater, according to their lunar calendar, is during Sasih Kapat, which runs from September to October, while the most hazardous time is during Sasih Kesanga, which continues to run from February to March.

We do not advise diving during the monsoon season, which runs from December to February. The rain reduces visibility at dive sites on the East and Northern Coasts. Instead, we recommend that users depart the island and visit Komodo National Park, where manta rays are frequently spotted swimming.


As the wet season winds down, the waters off Bali's southern coast experience an upwelling. As the rain stops, cold, nutrient-rich water from Java replaces it. The phytoplankton bloom can be seen during this transition as the water is heated; by the sun, which invites the marine animals to come out of hiding. During this upwelling event, diving sites in East Bali and Nusa Penida become accessible. Mola Mola sunfish and other endemic sea creatures can be discovered- in these areas. The slightly cooler water temperature during these transition months is worth noting.

Due to wind and rain patterns, Bali has two distinct seasons. Temperatures remain constant during the dry season, which lasts from May to September. In contrast, the wet season lasts from November to March.

One advantage for diving enthusiasts in Bali is the abundance of diving locations situated throughout the island. It ensures that if one situation is not suitable or dangerous for the season, you can select another.

Blue Season Bali's expert diving instructors will take you on a tour of Bali's world-class underwater world. Search Bali dive shop that has been in business for at least a few years and has a great online reputation. Experienced dive shops have a plethora of positive and negative reviews that easily demonstrate the management and diving team's experience.

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